Broadly, I am an applied quantitative ecologist. I use advanced statistical methods, landscape ecology, population ecology, and decision science to inform broad-scale management and conservation. I’m extremely fortunate to work in a lab (the Martin GAME lab at the University of Georgia) that partners with state, federal, and non-government organizations to address pressing conservation issues.
My primary research questions are:
The central themes of my research are broad-scale study design, population estimation, adaptive resource management, applied landscape ecology, applied simulation modeling, and remote sensing. The setting for my research is primarly working landscapes and publicly wildlife management areas.
In preparation. Yeiser, J. M., T. Dailey, M. Foley, and J. A. Martin. Targeted landscape-scale management improves effectiveness of private land conservation. Target: Journal of Wildlife Management
In preparation. Yeiser, J. M., T. Dailey, M. Foley, J. Howell, and J. A. Martin. A framework for eliciting expert opinion on regional variation in habitat quality. Target: Human Dimensions of Wildlife.
In preparation. J. M. Yeiser, Martin, J. A., J. Giocomo, A. Matthews, P. E. Howell, and G. Wann. Avian community response to energy development with implications for landscape-scale conservation planning. Target: Conservation Biology.
Under revision: Conservation Biology. Yeiser, J. M., J. J. Morgan, D. L. Baxley, R. B. Chandler, and J. A. Martin. Optimizing conservation in species-specific agricultural landscapes.
Invited review, under revision: Current Landscape Ecology Reports. Yeiser, J. M., R. B. Chandler, and J. A. Martin. Distance-dependent landscape effects in terrestrial systems: a review and a proposed spatio-temporal framework.
Martin, J. A. and J. M. Yeiser. 2021. Wildlife management and the roots of landscape ecology. In Porter, W. F., C. J. Parent, R. A. Stewart, and D. M. Williams, editors. Wildlife management and landscapes: principles and applications. Johns Hopkins University Press in affiliation with The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, USA. In Press.
Yeiser, J. M., P. E. Howell, G. T. Wann, and J. A. Martin. 2020. Addressing temporal variation in bird calling with design and estimation: a northern bobwhite example. Journal of Wildlife Management: In press.
Yeiser, J. M., A. L. Jackson, D. C. Sisson, T. M. Terhune, and J. A. Martin. 2020. Predation management and spatial structure moderate extirpation risk and harvest of northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management: In press.
Wann, G. P. E. Howell, J. M. Yeiser, and J. A. Martin. 2020. Estimating harvest rate and the effects of hunting pressure on northern bobwhite survival. Wildlife Biology 2:1–11.
Yeiser, J. M., J. J. Morgan, D. L. Baxley, and J. A. Martin. 2020. Variability in the management of agricultural fields spared for conservation. Ecological Indicators 114:106303.
Yeiser, J. M., J. A. Martin, T. V. Dailey, and M. Foley. 2019. Efficiency of the Conservation Reserve Program in context of focused landscape management for northern bobwhites and associated species. Final Report for the Farm Service Agency.
Yeiser, J. M., J. J. Morgan, D. L. Baxley, R. B. Chandler, and J. A. Martin. 2018. Private land conservation has landscape-scale benefits for wildlife in agroecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (4), 1930–1939.
Martin, J. A., J. M. Yeiser, and R. B. Chandler. 2017. Uncertainty and entanglement of habitat loss and fragmentation effects in the management of northern bobwhites and eastern meadowlarks. Final Report for the Gulf Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
Orange, J. P., J. M. Yeiser, D. L. Baxley, J. J. Morgan, and B. A. Robinson. 2017. Evaluating bird type and dog exposure on Northern Bobwhite hunter success on a reclaimed mineland in Kentucky. Quail VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth National Quail Symposium.
Yeiser, J. M., D. L. Baxley, B. A. Robinson, J. J. Morgan, J. N. Stewart, and J. O. Barnard. 2016. A comparison of coal mine reclamation seed mixes in Kentucky: implications for grassland establishment in Appalachia. International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment 30:257–267.
Yeiser, J. M., and S. C. Richter. 2015. Microhabitat conditions influence mesohabitat associations and distribution of larval salamanders in headwater streams. Hydrobiologia 751:175–187.
Yeiser, J. M., D. L. Baxley, B. Robinson, and J. Morgan. 2015. Using prescribed fire and herbicide to manage rank native warm season grass for northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:69–76.
Nunziata, S. O, S. C. Richter, R. D. Denton, J. M. Yeiser, D.E. Wells, K. L. Jones, C. Hagen, and S. L. Lance. 2012. Fourteen novel microsatellite markers for the gopher frog, Lithobates capito (Amphibia: Ranidae). Conservation Genetics Resources 4:201–203.